Home » Mexican Red Knee Tarantula Care, Enclosure, Diet, Facts

Mexican Red Knee Tarantula Care, Enclosure, Diet, Facts


The Mexican Red Knee Tarantula is one of the most preferred pet tarantulas among exotic pet enthusiasts. The calm and non-aggressive nature and beautiful color pattern make it more adorable to first-time spider keepers. This stunning arachnid is known for its vibrant orange and black markings on its legs with a creamy beige carapace having a distinctive black square on it.

Brachypelma Smithi aka mexican Red knee pet Tarantula

This stunning arachnid possesses bilateral symmetry and is ectothermic.

As its name suggests, the Mexican Red Knee tarantula hails from the Central Pacific Coast of Mexico, it is a New World tarantula. The Red Knee Tarantula loves to live in dry areas, scrublands, deserts, thorn forests, or tropical deciduous forests. In the wild, these tarantulas inhabit burrows and spins web near the entrance of burrow . These are wonderful nocturnal hunters. It has been observed that Red Knee Tarantula grows well in captivity as compared to that in the wild.

This eight-legged striking arachnid has 8 eyes which enables it to see both forward and backward. However, its vision is relatively poor and it uses hair and legs to sense vibrations.

Brachypelma Hamorii or Brachypelma Smithi?

It has been a matter of confusion among exotic pet keepers when it comes to the Mexican Red knee Tarantula.

The Mexican Red knee Tarantula with the scientific name, Brachypelma Hamorii was misidentified as Brachypelma Smithi until 2017. These two species of arachnids resemble each other in most of the physical features such as color, reddish-orange knees, and black bodies.

These two species have some distinctive features as well which makes their identity.

brachypelma hamorii transformed

Brachypelma hamorii Vs Brachypelma Smithi


Male vs Female Mexican Red Knee Tarantula

The male and female Mexican Red Knee Tarantula have some distinctive physical attributes such as different size, color of Carapace, age of sexual maturity, and body span and leg span. The male is of shorter size with longer legs to help it to hold its slightly bigger female counterpart.

male verses female Mexican Red knee Tarantula


Though Mexican Red Knee Tarantula shows a docile temperament but can behave differently in certain circumstances, when Hamorii is threatened, it gears up to display its fangs and flip barbed hairs off of its abdomen. These hairs can penetrate in skin or eyes of the victim and may result in irritation or swelling. The bite of the Mexican Red Knee Tarantula is venomous, but it doesn’t usually bite. Furthermore, unless the victim of the bite has an allergic reaction, the agony from the venom has been compared to a bee sting if it bites a human. The juvenile spiders are just like their adult counterparts. The Mexican Red Knee Tarantula sling, with its captivating appearance and intriguing development, is a fascinating subject for arachnid enthusiasts and collectors alike.

The slings of Mexican Red Knee Tarantula molt every 2 weeks for the first 4 months and then less frequently in the subsequent months. The spiderlings need more attention and care as compared to the adult ones.

hair of mexican red knee tarantula

Mexican Red Knee Tarantula Care

The Mexican Red Knee Tarantula requires less care from the pet owner. However replicating their natural habitat, providing well-balanced nutrition, and addressing their health concerns can help you to increase the longevity of your pet tarantula. Here is a detailed comprehensive guide to nurturing your pet properly

Mexican Red Knee Tarantula Enclosure

Enclosure 1

The setup of the terrarium of the Red Knee Tarantula requires a well-maintained ratio between the size of the Tarantula and the height of the cage. The substrate should be filled up to a height that is nearly 1.5 times the leg span of the spider to avoid any damage due to fall. The substrate should have a proper ratio of coco fiber, peat moss, and creature soil. The temperature of the habitat should be maintained at about 75- 80 degrees Fahrenheit. In colder regions or during nighttime, a heat mat can be used on one side of the enclosure to provide adequate warmth to the arachnid. The humidity level inside the cage should be around 60-70% and can be monitored using a hygrometer. A shallow water dish is a must component of the tarantula enclosure.

Mexican Red Knee Tarantula Slings Enclosure

acrylic box for spider slings

While the adults of the Mexican Red Knee Tarantula need an 8–10 gallon glass or acrylic tank with a suitable substrate depth for digging, the slings can be maintained safe in a small acrylic box. These stunning spiders love to hide beneath the base of thorny vegetation like cacti in the wild so artificial plants or bark pieces should be an essential component of their home in captivity.

mexican red knee eating a mealworm transformed

Mexican Red Knee Tarantula Diet

Mexican Red Knee Tarantulas are carnivores, feeding on insects such as crickets, roaches, and mealworms. Live prey should be provided in the terrarium for these nocturnal arachnids since they prefer to hunt in the dark. For instance, an adult Tarantula can be fed 6–8 crickets every other week. Mammals like mice and amphibians like frogs can sometimes be provided in addition to insects. However, pre-killed pinhead crickets can be fed to the spiderlings.The efficient digestive system allows it to liquefy its prey before consuming it, showcasing its unique feeding mechanism.

You should offer appropriately sized prey once or twice a week and adjust the quantity based on your tarantula’s size and appetite.

  • Crickets
    Tarantulas love crickets as food, and you can easily find them at your neighborhood pet store. Vita-Bugs crickets provide excellent nutritional content by delivering beta-carotene, vitamin E, vitamin A, and omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Dubia Roaches
    Another excellent choice is Dubia roaches, which have up to 28% protein and can provide a nutritious meal for larger tarantulas.
  • Mealworms
    Although mealworms and waxworms are high in calcium, phosphorus, and protein, their high fat content means that feeding amounts should be controlled. It is advisable to check for the frequency of diet and the amount from a veterinarian.


Handling a Mexican Red Knee Tarantula

Because tarantulas can be delicate and agitated, you should avoid handling them needlessly.If handling is necessary, proceed with caution and gentleness. Always wash your hands before handling something that could harm them.

Molting is a process of self-grooming and self-transformation in which a tarantula sheds an exoskeleton and attains a new look. This process of molting takes place many  a times in a life cycle of a female tarantula, especially. The molting process is a mandatory process for the optimum growth of your tarantula. 

Another important point is to keep in mind that Tarantulas are vulnerable during molting and the slightest contact with them can be devastating for them. No food should be given during and after molting. You should recognize signs of pre-molt, such as a darkened abdomen and reduced appetite.

It’s important to keep a close eye out for any indications of disease or unusual behavior in your tarantula. Consult a veterinarian with spider care experience if you observe any changes. Monitoring their molting cycles is important for their growth and health, so keep an eye on them.

Your tarantula needs some special attention from you in terms of handling and feeding during all the three stages: Pre- molt, molting, and Post-molt. 

Interesting Facts about Mexican Red Knee Tarantula

interesting facts of Mexican Red knee Tarantula

Impressive Longevity: Mexican Red Knee Tarantulas can live over 20 years in captivity, with a notably slow growth rate.

Substrate Communication: These tarantulas communicate through substrate vibrations, tapping, or drumming to convey signals, particularly during courtship rituals.

Courtship rituals: The male uses a special pair of spurs on his front legs to lock her jaws open.

Females typically become violent after mating, causing males to run away to avoid being attacked, killed, or consumed.

Egg sac production: A female guards her egg sac, turns it, and moves it around to ensure appropriate humidity and temperature.

Expert Burrowers: They are adept burrowers who use their pedipalps and fangs to construct elaborate underground houses for safety and humidity control, demonstrating their instincts.

Related Species

  1. Brachypelma smithi
  2. Brachypelma Emillia
  3. Brachypelma Auratum

Where To Buy Mexican Red Knee Tarantula

If you’re looking to buy a Mexican Red-Knee Tarantula, it’s essential to find a reputable and ethical source. Consider purchasing from licensed exotic pet breeders, specialized tarantula dealers, or exotic pet stores with good reviews. Mexican Red Knee tarantula can be purchased from various online stores and local exotic pet stores. Always ensure the seller follows proper animal welfare practices and provides healthy, captive-bred tarantulas.

Avoid purchasing from unreliable sources or individuals who may collect these tarantulas from the wild, as this can harm their natural populations. Additionally, check local laws and regulations regarding exotic pet ownership to ensure you comply with legal requirements before bringing your new pet home.

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