Home » How to Care for a Newborn Fennec Fox?

How to Care for a Newborn Fennec Fox?

Newborn fennec foxes are small, cute animals known for their big ears and tiny size. They are born in the deserts of North Africa and usually weigh about 2 to 4 ounces when they come into the world. At this stage, they rely completely on their mother for warmth and food.

fennec fox baby

Fennec foxes usually have 2 to 4 babies at a time after 50 days of pregnancy. The kits are born blind and helpless, depending on their mother’s milk to survive. As they grow, they develop their soft, sand-colored fur, which helps them blend into the desert.

These baby foxes are playful and curious. They start exploring their surroundings at around three weeks old and learn important skills from their mother and siblings. Watching a newborn Fennec fox grow into an active and social animal is an amazing process. It’s important to understand what they need, including their diet, living space, and social interactions, to help them grow up healthy and happy.

Size and Appearance

At Birth: Newborn fennec foxes, called ”kits,” are small, and weigh around 40 grams each. They are born with closed eyes, soft, light fur, and tiny ears.

Eyes Open: Their eyes remain closed for about 8 to 11 days after birth. When they finally open, their big, dark eyes give them a curious and playful look.

Nursing and Feeding

Mother’s milk: For the first 4-5 weeks, newborn kits rely on their mother’s milk for nutrition. This helps them grow strong and healthy.

Weaning: after about 4 to 5 weeks, they start transitioning to solid foods like small insects, fruits, and vegetables. The mother still nurses them occasionally during this period.

Solid food: Around 8 weeks, they eat solid food more regularly and no longer need to nurse.

Growth and Development

Rapid Growth: Fennec fox kits grow quickly, and by 8 weeks, they start playing and exploring their environment. Their large ears start to develop more fully, and their fur becomes thicker.

Learning to hunt: As they grow, the mother teaches them how to hunt small insects and animals. By 3 months, they are more independent and active.

Social Behavior

Bonding with family: Newborn kits stay close to their mother for warmth and protection. They also bond with their siblings, playing and sleeping together.

Social Animals: Even though they are born in family groups, fennec foxes are independent by nature. As they grow, they prefer to explore on their own.

Living Environment

Warmth: Like all newborns, kits need warmth. In the wild, they stay in burrows dug by their mother, which keeps them warm and safe from predators.

Safety: The mother protects her kits from danger. In captivity, it is important to provide a cozy, safe space with soft bedding for newborn fennec foxes.

Health and Care

Veterinary Care: It’s essential to get a newborn fox checked by a vet to ensure it’s healthy. Regular check-ups are important for their growth.

Vaccinations: Like any pet, fennec foxes need vaccinations as they grow to protect them from diseases.

Interaction With Humans

Handling: Newborn fennec foxes shouldn’t be handled too much during their early days, as they are very fragile. Once they grow a little and get used to humans, they can be more playful and interactive.

newborn foxes

Socialization: It’s important to socialize them from a young age if they are raised as pets. This helps them become comfortable around people and other animals.

Grooming of  Newborn Fennec Foxes

Gentle Brushing: Use a soft brush to gently groom the fur. This helps keep their coat clean and removes loose hair.

Check for dirt: While brushing, look for dirt or debris stuck in their fur. Remove it carefully with your fingers or a soft cloth.

Bathing: Newborn fennec foxes usually don’t need baths. If they are very dirty, use lukewarm water and a little mild pet shampoo. Rinse well and dry them gently.

Ear Cleaning: Check their ears for dirt. Wipe the outer part with a soft, damp cloth. Don’t insert anything into their ears.

Nail Trimming: Newborns may not need nail trimming, but as they grow, trim their nails regularly to prevent overgrowth. Use small pet nail clippers and be careful.

Health Check: While grooming, look for any signs of health problems, like lumps or irritation. If you see anything unusual, contact a vet.

Stay calm: Be gentle and calm during grooming. This helps your fennec fox feel safe and relaxed.

Diet of Newborn Fennec Foxes

Caring for the diet of a newborn fennec fox requires special attention. Here’s a simple guide to what they need to eat during their early stage of life:

0-1 Month: Mother’s Milk or Formula

Mother’s Milk:  A newborn fennec fox should ideally be nursing from its mother. This provides all the essential nutrients for proper growth and development.

Formula: If you’re hand-rearing, use specially formulated milk for exotic animals. Goat’s milk or kitten formula can also be used as an alternative but should be veterinarian-approved.

baby fennec fox drinking milk

1-2 Months: Introduction to Soft Foods

Weaning Begins: Around this time, The fennec fox will start weaning. You can slowly introduce soft, mashed foods while providing milk or formula.

Soft Foods: Offer a mix of mashed fruits like bananas or apples, boiled vegetables, and a small portion of cooked chicken or scrambled eggs.

2-3 Months: Transition to Solid Foods

Solid Foods: The fennec fox can now begin eating more solid foods. Offer small pieces of fruits (like apples, and pears) and protein-rich foods (small amounts of cooked chicken, eggs, or insects).

Water: Fresh water should always be available as the fennec becomes less reliant on milk.

Newborn Fennec Fox’s Enclosure

Newborn foxes are very delicate and need a cozy and comfortable enclosure to stay.

Size of the Enclosure

Size and security: For newborns, a small one works best to keep them safe. A space around 2 feet by 2 feet is good for the first few weeks.

Height: Make sure the walls are about 2 feet tall to stop the babies from escaping as they grow.

fennec fox cage


Warm Environment: Newborn fennecs need warmth since they can’t control their body temperature. Keep the space between 75°F to 85°F (24°C to 29°C). You can use a heat lamp or heating pad, especially during the night or colder months.

No Cold Drafts: Keep the enclosure away from cold air or drafts, as cold can harm the babies.

 Bedding and Nesting Area

Soft bedding: Use soft materials like blankets, towels, or shredded paper to keep the babies and mothers comfortable.

Nest box: Provide a small box where the mother can hide and protect her babies. It should be dark and quiet.

fennec fox

Humidity & Ventilation

While they come from deserts, newborn fennecs need a little humidity (about 40-50%) to keep their fur and skin healthy. You can use a humidifier or light mist in the space but don’t make the bedding wet. Ensure the enclosure is well-ventilated but still warm. Mesh windows or vents can provide proper airflow without letting the space get too cold.

Food and Water

Water Bowl: Always have fresh water available in a shallow bowl, ensuring it’s easy for the newborn to access.

Diet: Initially, newborns are fed by their mothers, but if hand-rearing, you may need to consult a vet about milk formulas suitable for fennec foxes.

Foods to Avoid for  Newborn Fennec Foxes

  • Dairy Products: Fennecs are lactose intolerant and can’t digest milk after weaning.
  • Chocolate: Contains theobromine, which is toxic to foxes.
  • Processed Foods: Avoid giving them human food like chips, cookies, or anything with preservatives.
  • High-sugar fruits: Fruits like grapes and raisins should be avoided, as they can cause digestive issues.
  • Bones: Small or cooked bones can splinter and harm their digestive system.

Health Issues in Newborn Fennec Foxes

Cold Stress (Hypothermia):

Since they are used to warm desert climates, newborn fennecs can easily become too cold if they are not kept warm. This can make them weak or even lead to death if not addressed quickly.


It’s important to ensure newborn fennec stays hydrated. They can become dehydrated fast, especially in dry environments or if they don’t get enough fluids from their diet.

Poor Nutrition:

Newborn fennecs need the right balance of nutrients to grow strong. If they are not fed properly, they can become malnourished, which will affect their growth and health.


Like many animals, newborn fennec can get parasites such as worms or fleas. Parasites can cause health issues like weight loss, discomfort, and infection if not treated in time.

Respiratory issues:

If their living area is too cold, damp, or dirty, newborn fennec foxes can develop a respiratory infection, which can be dangerous if not treated.

How to Handle Newborn Fennec Foxes

Be gentle: Newborn fennec foxes are very fragile, so always handle them with care. Use soft and slow movements to avoid startling them.

Support their body: When picking them up, make sure to support both their chest and back legs. This helps them feel secure and prevents any strain on their body.

Keeping handling to a minimum: It is best not to carry them, Use a soft cloth or towel to gently wrap them. This provides extra protection and keeps them warm while being carried.

Use a soft cloth or towel: If you need to move them, use a soft cloth or towel to gently wrap them. This provides extra protection and keeps them warm while being carried.

Stay Calm: Always stay calm and quiet while handling them. Loud noises or sudden movements can cause stress, so keep the environment as peaceful as possible.

Some Care Tips for Newborn Fennec Foxes

Care Tips of Newborn Fennec Fox

Enrichment Activities for Newborn Fennec foxes

Sensory Toys: Give them toys with different textures and sounds, like soft toys or crinkle toys. This helps them explore their senses.

Gentle Play: Play gently with them using feathers or softballs. This helps them develop their hunting skills and stay active.

Hide Treats: Hide small treats in their bedding or toys. This encourages them to explore and find their food.

Climbing Areas: Set up low ramps or soft platforms for them to climb on. Climbing helps them build strength and coordination.

Obstacle Course: Create a simple obstacle course using cushions and boxes. This makes it fun for them to explore and move around.

Digging Box: Provide a shallow box filled with sand or shredded paper for them to dig in. This mimics their natural digging behavior.

Scent trails: Use safe herbs or spices to create scent trails for them to follow. This encourages them to use their sense of smell.

Training Newborn Fennec Foxes

Training a newborn fennec fox requires patience, consistency, and gentle handling. Since fennec foxes are naturally energetic and curious, it’s important to start training early to help them adjust to being around people and their environment.

Start Early with Socialization

Begin handling your fennec fox when they are young to get them used to human interaction. Spend time gently holding and playing with them every day, so they become comfortable with you and other family members.

newborn fennec fox handling

Use Positive Reinforcement

Fennec foxes respond best to rewards like treats and affection. Whenever they do something right, Such as responding to their name or using the litter box, reward them immediately to encourage good behavior.

Teach Basic Commands

Begin with simple commands like “come” or “stay”. Keep training sessions short, about 5-101 minutes, to match their attention span. Reward them with small treats when they follow commands.

Potty training

Start litter training early by setting up a designated potty area. Guide them to the spot after meals or naps, and reward them when they use it.be patient, as accidents may happen.

Routine is Important

Establish a consistent routine for feeding, playtime, and training sessions. Fennec foxes do well when they know what to expect and feel secure in their environment.

Frequently Asked Question

Question 1: What are fennec fox’s babies called?
Answer: Baby fennec foxes are usually called “kits” but are sometimes also called “pups”.

Question 2: How big is a newborn fox?
Answer: Newborn fennec foxes are very small and weigh around 50 grams at the time of birth, and as adults, they weigh around 2-4 pounds.
Question: How long do fennec fox kits stay with their mother?
Answer: Fennec fox kits stay close to their mother for about three months while they nurse. After they stop nursing, they stay with their family, sometimes for two years or, more. Female fennec foxes often stay with their parents and help take care of their younger siblings.

Question: What do newborn Fennec foxes eat?
Answer: For the first three months, newborn fennec foxes nurse from their mother. After weaning, they begin eating solid foods such as small insects, fruits, and vegetables.


Caring for a newborn fox can be both rewarding and demanding. These tiny foxes, weighing only about 50 grams at birth, depend on their mothers for food and protection. As they grow, they need a balanced diet, a safe living space, and social interaction to thrive. Understanding their special needs, including proper handling and regular vet check-ups, is crucial for their health. With love and dedication, you can help a fennec fox grow into a happy and healthy pet, enjoying the unique companionship they offer.

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