Home » Curly Hair Tarantula, Behavior, Care, Diet, Enclosure, Facts

Curly Hair Tarantula, Behavior, Care, Diet, Enclosure, Facts

The scientific name of  Curly Hair Tarantula is Tlittocatl albopilosum, which is a captivating and low-maintenance exotic pet that brings a touch of the wild into the homes of arachnid enthusiasts. It is commonly known as Honduran Curly hair tarantula or simply Curly haired Tarantula. 

The Honduran and Nicaraguan are of the same species; their origins are merely different. Of the two, the Nicaraguan is thought to have the purest bloodline. Since Hondurans are viewed as more of a “hobby form,” it’s possible that they were crossed-bred in the past.

Curly hair Tarantula

This species of Tarantula is fairly calm, hardy, and extraordinarily mellow, making it an obvious choice for both beginner and advanced tarantula enthusiasts. Its popularity stems from its easy care requirements, inexpensiveness, and wide availability. This Newworld Tarantula is found in rainforests, near rivers, and at the base of large trees in Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica regions of Central America. 

The long wiry bristle-like golden or black hair covers its whole body giving it a fluffy and plump body.  The golden sheen due to longer gold bristles serves various purposes, including sensing vibrations, defending against predators, and aiding in mating rituals. Their striking coloration ranges from dark brown to black, with some individuals displaying subtle patterns on their abdomens.

The Curly-haired tarantulas are terrestrial and semi-burrowing in nature and prefer to spend most of their time out of their hide.

Male Vs Female

They are calm, ground-dwelling, beautiful spiders, and like many other tarantulas in the genus Brachypelma, curly-hair tarantulas both male and female is perfect for those newly interested in joining the hobby of tarantula keeping. Males of Honduran Curly hair Tarantula and female Curly hair Tarantulas can be distinguished based on special reproductive organs such as extra spinnerets on males and spermathecae on females.

Male vs female Curly hair Tarantula


The contrast of the lighter colored hairs and the distinct curl gives the curly hair tarantula a unique appearance and its docile temperament makes it perfect for those newly interested in joining the hobby of tarantula keeping. The Curly-Haired Tarantulas are slow-moving, relaxed, and rarely pose any threat pose. As spiderlings, they are skittish and prefer to dart into their burrows but as adults, they love to relax most of the time on the terrestrial surfaces.

curly hair tarantula

The Curly hair tarantula can be spooked easily so handling should be the bare minimum. These tarantulas are nocturnal hunters and opportunistic ambushers who use their fangs to bite their prey and paralyze it. Tarantulas have a venomous bite but its venom doesn’t cause any serious harm to humans. The tarantula’s principal defense is their ability to spray irritating urticating hairs. In reality, these are not “hairs.” It is a misnomer because real hairs are only found in mammals. These are tiny, bony protrusions from the spider’s exoskeleton, and if they come into contact with the skin, their mild toxin may irritate it. Due to frequent kicking, the animal may occasionally grow a bald spot on their abdomen because this is one of their main protection systems. The “hairs” will grow back, though, upon the subsequent molt.

Like all tarantulas, the curly-haired one has poison and can bite if it feels threatened. Some have compared the discomfort to a bee sting, but you should use extra caution when handling your tarantula if you have a history of serious allergies to bees.

Curly Hair Tarantula Care

Taking care of a Curly Hair Tarantula involves providing an adequate habitat with proper feeding, the right environment, and handling with care. Here’s a detailed care sheet to help you ensure the well-being of your eight-legged companion. Curly hair tarantula is a beginner-friendly tarantula.

curly hair Tarantula black

Curly Hair Tarantula Enclosure

The artificial habitat of the Curly hair Tarantula should mimic the wild environment to make your eight-legged companion happy and healthy. The size of the enclosure to be taken should be according to the size of your tarantula. 

enclosure - curly hair tarantula

Size Of Terrarium 

For instance, to keep a spiderling, transparent acrylic boxes of dimensions[10x10x12.5cm], for juvenile curly hair, 2.5 -5 gallon size, and for an adult, 8-10 gallon size enclosure will be apt. 

Height Of The Terrarium

Since Curly hair Tarantulas are terrestrial so horizontal space is usually more crucial than vertical space since a cage that is too high can cause falls and needless injury to your pet. In contrast to many other species, he Curly Hair Tarantula is frequently spotted roaming around inside its container.

Substrate Requirements For Enclosure

Giving your tarantula places to hide, such as bark, pieces of wood, or even little pots, is still crucial. The curly hair tarantula will burrow if it is given adequate substrate, coating the outside and inside walls with its silk to make a home for itself. For the curly hair tarantula, a bedding depth of three to four inches is recommended. It is common knowledge that they “redecorate” their enclosure; they have frequently observed shifting dirt clumps and small decors. 

Enclosure for Curly hair tarantula

Humidity Level

The humidity level for caring for curly hair tarantulas should be between 60 and 70 percent, which is readily accomplished by maintaining a suitable substrate mixture and a tiny water dish. Sufficient amounts of sphagnum moss, vermiculite, and pesticide-free potting soil can assist in maintaining the right amount of humidity inside your enclosure.

Temperature Range

It is best to allow a small amount of spillover while watering your curly hair so that the substrate gets exactly the right amount of moisture; nevertheless, the aim is not to saturate the region to the point that the substrate is continually wet. The upper layer should be preferably dry and the lower layers can be damp, this helps your curly hair to burrow easily.

enclosure with ABG mix for tarantula

The ideal temperature range for this species is between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. This can be accomplished by putting a heat mat to the side or bottom of the enclosure, or by keeping the room where your curly hair tarantula resides warm. Make sure to keep an eye on the temperature to prevent your tarantula from becoming overheated, and in case it does, make sure to provide a cold side of the enclosure.

What does a Curly hair Tarantula eat?

curly hair tarantula eating

The curly-haired tarantula diet that is readily available at many pet stores includes flightless fruitflies, Dubia roaches, mealworms, live crickets, and other insects. Ensuring that your feeders are “gut-loaded” (meaning that if you feed your tarantulas well, they will feed your pet well as well) and providing a range of feeder insects for curly hair tarantulas guarantees that they receive the right nutrients.

 You can give your tarantulas a small pinky mouse as a treat, although many keepers advise against giving them anything that is extremely high in calcium. However, the diet and its amount vary as per the size of the tarantula and should be under the guidance of a veterinarian. For example, one medium-sized cricket for slings, 3-4 crickets for juveniles, and 5-6 crickets for an adult curly hair tarantula can be given. 

These are a very popular food choice for tarantulas and are easy to find at your local pet store. Vita-Bugs crickets have high nutritional content and are enhanced with vitamin E, vitamin A, beta-carotene, omega-6, and omega-3 fatty acids.


Flightless fruit files:
These are loaded with 20% of protein, 15 % of fat and 3% fiber, and nearly 60% of moisture which is an essential component required by your tarantula.

Pre-killed nymph roaches:
A good source of macro and micro minerals along with protein and fat, fiber, and moisture required for your Curly hair tarantula.

White Flour beetle larvae:
These larvae are packed with real animal protein, beneficial fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants and they are a good prebiotic fiber. This is recommended for spiderlings as their size is small and don’t emit any foul smell as their adult counterparts.

Handling Of Curly Hair Tarantula

Curly Hair Tarantulas are generally known for their calm nature, making them suitable for beginner arachnid lovers. However, handling should be minimal to avoid stress and potential injuries.

Precautions While Handling

The Curly hair tarantula slings are skittish and extra care is needed while feeding or rehousing as they tend to escape. You should keep your catch cup handy while doing these activities.

The fall of curly hair tarantula can bring some serious damage to it and should be avoided. This species can be easily spooked and under stress, it can use its defense mechanism and can bite or spray irritating urticating hairs.

Therefore regular observation from a distance is the best way to appreciate their beauty and behavior.

Curly hair tarantula on sand

What Is Molting?

Molting is a process of shedding old skeleton and transform into a bigger tarantula. During this process of molting, your tarantula becomes very fragile and needs some more support from your side. The tarantula loves to confide itself in a Do not Disturb zone. Moreover it becomes lethargic, rejects food and shows minimal activity. 

Your tarantula needs extra care when it is undergoing molting. Curly hair tarantula molting takes around 15 minutes to a whole day in which it sheds skin. The skin of the tarantula is tender during this process and no contact even with an insect should take place. 

You should not serve food for at least a week to your tarantula and let it harden its carapace.

As the spider ages, its rate of molting decreases exponentially; for adult females, this can happen as infrequently as once a year, and for mature males, it may not happen at all. The tarantula with curly hair is beginning its molting process if you see it lying on its back with its legs raised. 

To accurately identify your tarantula’s illness, however, you should seek the assistance of an exotic physician or knowledgeable keeper if you see that it is sitting with its legs tucked under itself, appears lethargic, or has a shriveled and unsightly abdomen.

Interesting Facts About Curly Hair Tarantula

  1. Unreceptive females are aggressive to approaching males and may try to kill and eat them
  2. These are opportunistic ambushers and wait quietly in their burrows for their prey. They can sense the approaching prey from the vibrations produced by it.
  3. The Curly hair Tarantula spins webs but uses web material to line their burrows
  4. These tarantulas love to redecorate their enclosure by shifting dirt clumps and small decors kept inside. 
  5. This tarantula has around 850 hairs on its abdomen.
  6. Under optimum conditions, a single female may lay around 2000 eggs.

Interesting facts about Curly hair Tarantula

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