Home » How to Distinguish Between Different Species of Flying Squirrels?

How to Distinguish Between Different Species of Flying Squirrels?

Different flying squirrel species are found in different parts of the globe, with around 50 species. Some of the most common species of flying squirrels are:

Southern Flying Squirrel

The Southern Flying Squirrel is the smallest type of flying squirrel in North America. You can find them in the eastern parts of the United States, from the Great Lakes down to Florida and Texas. These squirrels have soft, grayish-brown fur and big eyes that help them see in the dark because they are active at night.

flying squirrel climbing tree

They glide between trees by spreading a special flap of skin that stretches from their front legs to their back legs. They live in the forest and seek nests in hardwood trees that provide cavities, seeds, and nuts. A typical nest will be lined with finely chewed bark, especially cedar bark in the east, and grasses. Lichen, moss, and even feathers provide a soft bed.

The squirrels are omnivorous. They store hard mast, nuts, and acorns in nests in crevices and on the ground. They also eat fungi, berries, fruits and seeds, flower blossoms and buds in season, and even animal carcasses, birds, and nestlings. they often share nests with other squirrels to stay warm. Flying squirrels produce a birdlike chirping sound. Some of their vocalizations are not audible to the human ear. The southern flying squirrel is a nongame species with no hunting or trapping season.

Northern Flying Squirrel

Flying squirrels can glide from tree to tree using the patagia, or skin flaps, that attach to the wrist and ankles. Northern flying squirrels also have large eyes to help with nocturnal activity. Southern flying squirrels are very similar to Northern flying squirrels and are also found in Pennsylvania. Northern flying squirrels have an overall body length of 8 to 11 inches, slightly larger than the 8 to 10 inches of the southern flying squirrel. The only way to tell the difference between the two species is the belly hair found between the front legs. Northern flying squirrels will have a darker lead color at the base of the hair, fading to white at the tip.

northern flying squirrel color

 These squirrels have a ticker fur to keep them warm in colder weather. Just like their southern relatives, they are active at night and glide from tree to tree. They feed on a variety of plant materials as well as tree sap, fungi, insects, carrion, bird eggs, and nestlings. Northern flying Squirrels help the forest by spreading fungi that are important for tree growth. They change nests, and in winter, several individuals may huddle together in a shared nest. Unlike most members of their family, flying squirrels are strictly nocturnal.

Humboldt’s Squirrel

Humboldt’s Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys oregonensis) is a more recently recognized species that is closely related to the NORTHERN flying squirrel. It is found in forested habitats along the Pacific coast of North America, from southern British Columbia to southern California. Humboldt’s Flying Squirrels look similar to northern flying squirrels but are slightly smaller and have a different fur coloring.

humboldt's flying squirrel

They live in dense forests and glide between trees at night, searching for food like fungi, nuts, and seeds. Because they were only recently discovered, there’s still much to learn about their behavior and habits. Humboldt’s flying squirrel faces the threat of invasive species, wildfires, climate change, and habitat loss due to land use practices, such as deforestation.

Flying Squirrels in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has two species of flying squirrels, the southern and northern flying squirrels. The southern ones are more common and live in forests with lots of oak and hickory trees. They are nocturnal and often found in attics of cabins and summer houses in the Poconos. They have lighter-colored fur that is tan to reddish-brown, with white fur on their bellies. Northern flying squirrels are found in cooler, higher-elevation forests in northern Pennsylvania and the Allegheny Mountains. They have tan or brown fur on their backs. These squirrels are particularly important in these ecosystems because they disperse fungi that form symbiotic relationships with tree roots, aiding in forest health.

Flying Squirrels in Georgia

Georgia, Southern flying squirrels are the dominant species and can be found throughout the state. They prefer mature, deciduous forests, especially those with plenty of old trees that have cities for nesting. As Georgia is home to diverse forest landscapes, flying squirrels can be common throughout the state. these squirrels are incredibly agile and use their gliding abilities to escape predators and move between trees. Georgia’s warmer climate supports a rich variety of food sources for the squirrels, including acorns, hickory nuts, berries, and insects. they often share nests in the winter Flying Squirrels in Georgia to stay warm.

Flying Squirrels in Virginia

All of Virginia is home to Southern Flying Squirrel, except the westernmost point. This species loves areas with thick deciduous trees close to water. Enough forest cover to provide resources for tree cavity nests and food is the ideal habitat.

flying squirrel in virginia

Flying Squirrels in Michigan

Michigan, with its extensive forests and cooler climate, is ideal for northern flying squirrels. These squirrels are especially common in the upper peninsula and the northern lower peninsula, where coniferous forests dominate the landscape. In these forests, they feed on truffles, a type of underground fungus, which they help to spread by excreting the spores in their droppings. This activity is crucial for the growth of many tree species in the region.

Flying Squirrels in Ontario

Ontario has both southern and northern flying squirrels, but the Northern ones are more common. They live in cooler forests and are important because they spread fungi that help trees stay healthy. Northern flying squirrels in Ontario are vital for the ecosystem because they help in the dispersal of mycorrhizal fungi, which are essential for tree health. They can be found in the mixed forests of southern Ontario, as well as in the boreal forests in the north, where they adapt well to colder temperatures.

Flying Squirrels in Moscow

The Siberian flying squirrel is the species you would encounter, these squirrels are adapted to the cold, boreal forests of Russia,  including those around Moscow, and they have a thick coat of fur to insulate against the harsh winter temperature we know for their ability to glide over the significant distances between trees. Their diet mainly consists of tree leaves and seed switches, with a particular preference for birch and alder.

Flying Squirrels in Carolina

The Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel is one of two flying squirrels in North Carolina; the other is the Southern Flying Squirrel. Contrary to their name, flying squirrels do not truly fly. Rather, they leap from trees using their powerful hindquarters, stretch out their limbs, and glide to the ground or nearby trees. Carolina northern flying squirrels have bright cinnamon-brown fur dorsally, gray fur around the face and the end of the tail, and bi-colored fur on the belly. the squirrel has a long, flat-furred tail.

carolina flying squirrel

The southern flying squirrel is found throughout North Carolina, in urban areas as well as in forests, in the lowlands of the coastal plain, and at elevations up to 4,500-5,000 feet. Southern flying squirrels live in hardwood and mixed pine-hardwood forests. They require older trees with cavities for roosting and nesting, and in winter readily roost together in surprisingly large numbers.

Flying Squirrels in Ohio

Ohio has a population of both southern and northern flying squirrels. Southern flying squirrels are widespread throughout the state and are often found in suburban areas where old trees are present. They are highly social and often gather in groups during the winter months to keep warm.

Northern flying squirrels are more localized to the cooler, forested area in northern Ohio, particularly in state parks and protected areas where they have access to old-growth trees and the fungi they depend on for food.

Flying Squirrels in Calgary

In Calgary, Alberta, Northern flying squirrels are common. They live in cold forested areas, are nocturnal, and spend most of their time foraging for food at night. These squirrels eat nuts, seeds, and fungi, with a special preference for truffles. Northern flying is essential for the health of Calgary’s forests because of their role in spreading fungal spores, which are critical for tree growth.

Flying Squirrels in Illinois

In Illinois, Southern flying Squirrels are most common, especially in the southern and central parts of the state. They thrive in deciduous forests with plenty of nut-bearing trees like oak and hickory. These squirrels are also adaptable and can be found in urban and suburban areas with sufficient tree cover.

They are known for their playful nature and can often be seen chasing each other through the trees. Their gliding ability allows them to escape predators and move efficiently between trees in search of food.

Flying Squirrels in Marachussets

Massachusetts is home primarily to northern flying squirrels, particularly in the cooler, forested area of the state. These squirrels are well-adapted to the state’s cold winters and can be found in mixed forests, where they rely on a diet of fungi, nuts seeds, and tree sap. northern flying squirrel is larger and grayer in color than the southern species. Southern flying Squirrels are the smallest of the tree squirrels and are common to uncommon in New England.

Northern flying squirrels in Massachusetts are more elusive than their southern counterparts, often remaining high in the tree canopy. They play a vital role in the ecosystem by helping to spread fungi that are beneficial to the health of the forest.

Other Flying Squirrel’s Species in Different Regions

There are some flying squirrel species in different parts of the globe. These squirrels have distinctive features that make them unique creatures.

Red Giant Flying Squirrel

Red Giant Flying squirrels can be found throughout Southeast Asia. It is found extending north to the Himalayas and southern and central China, in a wide range of forest types, plantations, and more open habitats with sporadic trees.

red giant flying squirrel

Red and White Giant Flying squirrel

Red and white flying squirrels are found in the forests of mainland China at an altitude of nearly 3500 m. These are beautiful creatures that have a dark red coloration of fur as per their name.

red and white giant flying squirrel

Siberian Flying Squirrel

Pteromys volans, the Siberian flying squirrel, is a small, nocturnal rodent that is indigenous to the woods of northern Europe and Asia. Its special membrane, known as a patagium, makes it easy for it to move between trees. This elusive species, known for its silky fur and wide eyes, usually lives in mixed and coniferous forests.

siberian flying squirrel

Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel

Pteromys momonga, the Japanese dwarf flying squirrel, is a small, nocturnal gliding mammal that is indigenous to Japan’s woodlands. It can move gently between trees because of a membrane known as a patagium. Found in high-altitude woodlands, it is a lovely and unusual species with wide, round eyes and a fluffy appearance.

japanese dwarf flying squirrel

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: How many types of squirrels are there in the United States?
Answer: There are over 200 different species of squirrels in the United States. But there are three main types of squirrels (such as the Eastern Gray Squirrel and fox Squirrels), Ground Squirrels, and Flying Squirrels.

Question 2: How many locations does a flying squirrel have?
Answer: Numerous states in the United States, including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Ohio, and North and South Carolina, are home to flying squirrels. Depending on the species, they inhabit forests in cooler and warmer regions.

Question 3: Where do flying squirrels live in the USA?
Answer: In the USA, flying squirrels live in various types of forests. While northern flying squirrels prefer colder, coniferous forests, generally at higher elevations, southern flying squirrels are found in warmer climates in hardwood forests.

Question 4: Are flying squirrels legal in the US?
Answer: The legality of keeping flying squirrels as pets varies by state in the US. It’s important to check local regulations before considering flying squirrels as pets.

Question 5: What are the largest squirrels in the US?
Answer: The Fox Squirrels are the largest squirrel species in the United States. They can grow up to 28 inches long, including their bushy tails, and weigh up to 2.5 pounds. 

Question 6: Can I find flying squirrels in Illinois?
Answer: Yes, Southern flying squirrels are common in Illinois, especially in forests with lots of nut-bearing trees. 

Question 7: Where to buy a flying squirrel?
Answer: You can purchase flying squirrels from an ethical breeder or some rescue centers.


Flying squirrels are amazing creatures that can glide long distances and live in many different places across the US. Their ability to adapt to different environments, whether in the mountains or lowland forest, shows just how special they are. Learning about flying squirrels gives us a better appreciation of the natural world around us.

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