Home » Everything You Need to Know About Adopting a Holland Lop Rabbit

Everything You Need to Know About Adopting a Holland Lop Rabbit

The Holland Lop is a Lop-eared rabbit with an adorable look, compact body, and docile nature. The Holland Lop is an active and energetic rabbit that is going to steal your heart with its cute look. This species of rabbit is renowned for its distinctive lop ears, which hang down on either side of their heads, giving them a perpetually cute and cuddly appearance.

holland lop white

They have a large head, short and rounded nose, and extremely short and well-filled muzzle. They have plenty of width between the eyes.

The Holland Lop is a domestic rabbit breed recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) in 1979. 

 Originating from the Netherlands, this breed was developed by crossing the oversized French Lop with the undersized Netherland Dwarf, resulting in the small, charming rabbits we see today.

The Holland Lop comes in various colors ranging from Black, White, and Dark to Light Brown, Solid, and patterned. Their short, soft, and silky fur is another attraction. The glossy, dense, and fine fur rolls back into normal position when stroked in the opposite direction.

Size information and Life expectancy

Holland Lops are a dwarf breed, with a compact body and a broad head. Adults typically weigh between 2 to 4 pounds and measure around 8 to 12 inches in length on stretching. 


Their small size (4 to 5”)makes them ideal for indoor living, though they still need ample space to move around. They can be long-term companions as they have nearly 10 to 12 years of lifespan. With proper care, it can be extended to 14 years.  

Male vs. Female Holland Lop Rabbits

Both male and female Holland Lop rabbits are attractive and cute creatures. The males are more friendly as compared to their female counterparts.


 Male Holland Lops, also known as bucks, are often more laid-back and friendly. They tend to be more social and enjoy interacting with humans. Bucks are typically smaller and weigh between 2 to 4 pounds.


 Female Holland Lops, or does, can be more territorial, especially if they are not spayed. They might be a bit more independent compared to males. Does are slightly larger and can weigh between 3 to 4 pounds.

Behavior and Temperament of Holland Lop Rabbit

Holland Lops are known for their gentle and friendly disposition. You will find them to be very gentle and affectionate. They are social animals that enjoy human interaction and can form strong bonds with their owners. 

holland lop

Their playful and curious nature makes them delightful companions. However, they can also be stubborn and might require patience during training. The Holland Lop can be skittish at times. Bucks are more friendly as compared to Does. 

How to Care for Your Pet Rabbit?

Holland Lops are fascinating and unique pets that require a significant commitment to their care and well-being. By providing a suitable environment, a balanced diet, regular health checkups, and ample social interaction, you can ensure your pet rabbit lives a happy and healthy life.

Housing Requirements

Holland Lop rabbits’ living space should be large enough to move around comfortably. A minimum of  24” by 36” of enclosure is recommended for your furry friend. The Holland lop rabbits are sensitive to extreme temperatures therefore keep the cage in between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. 

holland lop in cage

 In addition to it, a separate play area should be provided to keep your bunny active and playful. Indoor housing is ideal to protect them from predators and extreme weather. As rabbits are busy buddies, they need chew toys and hay pellets in their cages.

 Specific Substrate Needs:

You should use absorbent bedding like paper-based products, aspen shavings, or hay as the bedding material. The pine and cedar shavings should be avoided as it can cause respiratory issues. You should fill the bottom with a few inches of rabbit-safe litter such as paper or wood-based pellets.

Food Bowl:

A balanced diet is crucial for the overall health of your bunny. You should provide unlimited hay, essential for their digestive health and dental wear. 

Water Bowl or Water Bottle:

There should be access to clean and fresh water to protect your rabbit from dehydration and heat strokes.

Litter Box:

A litter box is a container made specifically to hold litter, a substrate that manages odors and absorbs waste. The litter box should be around 22L x 17W x 6.5H inches long to allow the rabbit to sit and turn around comfortably. It should also be filled with litter material that is safe for rabbits, such as hay, aspen shavings, or paper-based litter.

Exercise and Toys:

Holland Lop requires a lot of exercise to maintain good health. Every day, give them some supervised time to hop and explore outside of their area. To keep them occupied, you might give them toys and chew blocks.

What does Holland Lop Rabbit Eat and Drink?

A Holland Lop rabbit is a herbivore and enjoys eating Grass hay, Timothy Hay, and, Orchard grass. The leafy vegetables such as bokchoy, Cabbage, parsley, green and red leaf lettuce, cilantro, celery leaves, and carrot tops provide a good amount of fiber to your bunny. The fruits with low glycemic index can be given as a treat to them. 

holland lop eating vegetables

It should be supplemented with fresh vegetables and high-quality rabbit pellets. You should never feed nuts, grains, and seeds to your rabbit as it is difficult to digest. Try to keep the diet with a ratio of 70% hay, 15% of protein, and 3-5%  of fat. You should also keep a clean bowl with fresh water or a water bottle inside its cage so as to keep it hydrated.

Handling of Holland Lop Rabbit

Since they might be sensitive to handling, rabbits should only be approached quietly. The timid Holland Lop enjoys lounging around and may not enjoy being held. They have a sensitive backbone, so you should always support their hindquarters to avoid spinal injuries. It is quite uncomfortable for rabbits to be picked up by the scruff or ears, so you should never do that.

handling of holland lops

By sitting close to your bunny’s enclosure and allowing it some time to approach you on its own, you can help it develop trust. After giving them some gentle attention, you can try holding them.


Holland Lop Rabbits are naturally inclined to dig, chew, and forage. You should look for items that can satiate one of these tendencies while shopping for your rabbit. Rabbits are prone to get bored and frustrated if they cannot engage in these instinctive behaviors. Additionally, bored rabbits are far more prone to start causing more damage around the house.

holland lop playing

They’ll turn to biting through the carpet or gnawing on baseboards. The greatest kind of toys for rabbits will act as distractions from these harmful habits.

The enrichment activities for your Holland Lop can be made in variety of ways. Some of the suggestions are

  1. Food or treats wrapped in brown paper– Your rabbit will engage itself in unwrapping it.
  2. Cardboard boxes with cut-out holes– Your bunny loves to hide in these boxes.
  3. Tunnels -Cardboard tubes, plastic tubes with large diameters, or fabric pipes can be used for creating tunnels for your Holland lop.
  4. Rattling toys– Holland Rabbit toys can be made using sturdy plastic such as, “key rings,” rattles, and stacking cups. 

Ensure that there are no little pieces for them to swallow and keep an eye on how they are using them. Some of these items can be used to conceal food.


Holland Lop rabbits are great groomers and keep themselves clean. 

  • Fur Maintenance through Brushing: They need brushing at least once a week to prevent matting and reduce shedding. You will have to brush more frequently during shedding. They can’t cough up hair balls so it is essential to keep a check on shedding. 
  • Nail Trimming: Nail trimming is required at the interval of 4-6 weeks
  • Ear Cleaning: You should check ears regularly for signs of infection and cleaning is required.

Upkeep Cost

The initial setup cost for a rabbit can range from $300 to $500, including the cage $50 to $150 and initial supplies of $50 to $100, and the purchase or adoption of Holland Lop with an expenditure of  $20 to $100.

Be ready for monthly expenses, including food, bedding, and health care, which can range from $50 to $100. It will include, food and bedding, health check-ups, and grooming supplies.

Common Health Problems

Common health issues in rabbits include dental problems, gastrointestinal stasis, respiratory infections, and uterine cancer(UTERINE ADENOCARCINOMA) in unspayed females. Regular vet checkups are crucial to maintaining your rabbit’s health. 

Otitis: The accumulation of ear wax provides the breeding ground for microorganisms. As the Holland lop has floppy ears, they are prone to Otitis externa, Otitis media, and Otitis interna. They are more likely to suffer ear infections. Regular cleaning and monitoring are necessary.

Dental Issues:  The skull shape causes more dental issues in Holland Lop rabbits. Overgrown teeth can cause pain and eating difficulties. Regular check-ups and providing chew toys can help.

dental problems in holland lop

GI Stasis: A serious condition where the digestive system slows down or stops. Immediate veterinary care is required.

 Uterine Cancer:  Roughly more than 60% of females aged over 3 years develop tumors in their uterus. As the disease progresses the doe becomes depressed, lethargic, and lean.

Signs of Ill Health

You should look for changes in appetite, droppings, behavior, and grooming habits. Additionally, any sign of lethargy, labored breathing, or discharge from the eyes or nose warrants a vet visit.

Lethargy: A normally active rabbit that becomes lethargic may be ill.

Loss of Appetite: Refusal to eat or drink can indicate a health problem.

Changes in Droppings: Unusual droppings can signal digestive issues.

Respiratory Issues: Sneezing, wheezing, or nasal discharge can indicate respiratory infections.

Changes in paws: If the paws are not crusty and yellow, it is a sign of wiping the nose.

Ears: If you find your rabbit frequently scratching his ears, it is an indication of wax deposits and the growth of bacteria.

Pros and Cons of keeping a  Holland Lop rabbit as a pet

 It is essential to understand and evaluate all upsides and downsides before deciding to keep a Holland Lop rabbit as a pet, as they require a significant commitment to meet their needs.


  1.    Affectionate and social: The Holland Lop rabbits are adorable, cute, and social creatures They make great bonds with the owner. These are ideal pets for children because of their friendly nature.
  2. Compact and manageable size: The Holland Lop rabbits are small in size and therefore ideal for apartment living. Their cute face attracts everyone.
  3.    Intelligent and trainable: These rabbits are intelligent and trainable to certain commands. They can also be litter-trained.
  4.    Relatively low-maintenance grooming: Rabbits are clean animals and self-groom themselves and less maintenance is required.
  5.    Long lifespan: They have a long lifespan and you have long companionship with your pet.


  1. Ear Infections: Holland Lops are prone to ear infections.
  2. Destructive if not supervised: These rabbits love to chew and dig and if they don’t get enough Chewing and digging are the instincts of rabbits. If they are not provided with chew toys or other activities to satiate this desire, you may find damaged cables and wires in your home.
  3. Delicate Digestive system: Due to their delicate digestive system they have an upset stomach more frequently. As a result, they mess up their cage, and frequent cleaning is required.
  4. Requires a significant time commitment: The rabbits require plenty of exercise both inside and outside of their enclosures. Therefore, creating a playpen with rabbit-safe toys, maintaining a clean habitat, and meeting its dietary needs can be challenging.
  5. Need for regular vet checkups: The rabbits may need regular checkups and taking them to veterinary care is an added responsibility.
  6. Expensive: Upkeep can be expensive, considering food, bedding, and veterinary care.

pros and cons of keeping holland lop

Where to Buy Holland Lop Rabbit?

When buying or adopting a Holland Lop pet rabbit, it is important to choose from a reputed source to ensure the health and well-being of your new pet. 

You can check the websites like blue clove rabbitry, the lop shop, and the chubby cheeks lops for Holland Lop rabbits. The local pet stores near you may also have Holland Lops . You can also consult rabbit-specific rescues such as House Rabbit Society, rabbit.org.

holland lop for sale

The details of breeders can be obtained from the American Rabbit Breeder Association (ARBA.net

The cost of the rabbit may vary according to the species and color but it ranges between $175 to $275. You can get it at a cheaper rate from a rescue center.

Interesting Facts of A pet Holland Lop Rabbit

  1. Holland Lops were developed by Dutch breeder Adriann de Cock in the 1950s.In Holland and countries guided by British Rabbit Council, the breed is called “ Miniature Lop”. It is developed by crossing a Netherland Dwarf Buck with a French Doe.
  2. They are the smallest of the lop-eared rabbit breeds. It is nicknamed as “ The Hallmark Breed”.
  3. Their ears start to lop at around 2 to 4 weeks of age.
  4. They come in a variety of colors and patterns. It is categorized into eight color groups with 30 recognized colors.
  5. Holland Lops are known for their friendly and sociable nature.
  6. They have a lifespan of 7 to 10 years.
  7. Despite their small size, they require a lot of space and enrichment. They have a compact yet muscular body.
  8. They are highly trainable and can learn tricks and use a litter box.
  9. Their compact size makes them ideal for indoor living.
  10. Holland Lops are one of the most popular rabbit breeds in the U.S
  11. Despite their small size, they have strong hindlegs that enable them to leap and jump with agility. They are excellent jumpers.
  12. Their popularity has sky-rocketed in recent years.

Related Species

Holland Lops are part of the wider group of domestic rabbit breeds, which include:

Netherland Dwarf: It is known for its tiny size and lively personality.

Mini Lop: It is larger than the Holland Lop but has similar appearance.

French Lop: It is much larger as compared to Holland lop. It has more relaxed temperament.

Reproduction and Breeding

The Holland lop rabbits have a gestation period of around 28 to 33 days. They should be bred after 8 months when they have matured weight. As the babies are born hairless, the temperature of the enclosure should be kept warm.

babies of holland lop

 Frequently Asked Questions

Question1. Do Holland Lop rabbits make good pets for children?

Answer:  Yes, Holland Lop rabbits are friendly, cute, and playful creatures, and keeping them as pets is quite rewarding.

Question2.  How big do Holland Lop rabbits get?

Answer: These are the smallest lop typically weighing between 2-4 pounds when fully grown. 

Question 3. Can Holland Lop rabbits be litter-trained?  

 Answer: Yes, these rabbits can be litter trained using a litter box with paper-based litter.

Question 4. Can I keep a Holland Lop rabbit outdoors?  

Answer:  While possible, indoor housing is safer due to predators and weather conditions.

Question 5. Are Holland Lop rabbits hard to take care of?

Answer:  Holland Lop are high maintenance as they need a continuous food supply and chewing material. They are social creatures and need a companion.

Question 6. Are Holland Lops prone to any health problems?

 Answer: Rabbits can be prone to ear infections, dental problems and skin infections.

Question 7. How long do Holland Lop bunnies live?

Answer:  In captivity, the lifespan of a  Holland Lop rabbit is around 7 to 12 years.

Question 8. How friendly is Holland Lop?

Answer: The Holland lop rabbits are calm, and incredibly affectionate and love to snuggle in the arms of their owner. They are social and enjoy human interaction.

Question 9. How often should I clean my Holland Lop rabbit’s cage?

Answer: You should spot clean daily and perform a thorough cleaning weekly. 

Question 10. Do Holland Lop bunnies like to be held?

 Answer: Holland Lop rabbits are social and enjoy cuddling and patting. They love to be held.

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