The Chilean Rose Tarantula

Palm Leaf
Palm Leaf

The Chilean Rose Tarantula boasts a striking appearance with its black body covered in fine hairs, giving it a velvety texture, and a distinctive rosy hue on its abdomen."

Let’s Explore more !!

Rose hair tarantula is native to the Grasslands of Chile but is also found in the regions of Bolivia, Argentina, and South America

"The house of the tarantula should be well-ventilated. The base of the tarantula cage can be made with coconut mulch, organic soil and ABG mix"

Chilean Rose Tarantula loves to have crickets, mealworms, waxworms, hornworms, phoenix worms, Dubia roaches, and flightless fruit flies.

Despite their fearsome appearance, Chilean Rose Tarantulas are generally docile creatures and easy to handle.

Despite their fearsome appearance, Chilean Rose Tarantulas are generally docile creatures and easy to handle.

From hatching as tiny spiderlings to reaching maturity, Chilean Rose Tarantulas undergo several molts, shedding their exoskeletons as they grow.

Male Rose Tarantula performs a “dance” by vibrating his abdomen and tapping his front legs to entice female Rose Tarantula