Interesting Facts About Southern Flying Squirrel
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Flying Squirrels
Southern flying squirrels can glide for up to 150 feet (45 meters) because of a unique membrane called the patagium, which extends from their wrists to their ankles.
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These squirrels are primarily nocturnal, meaning they are active during the night and sleep during the day.
The gestation period lasts for 40 days, yielding 1-6 young with an average of 2-3 per litter. Their eyes do not open until they are 24-30 days old.
They communicate with each other using a range of vocalizations, including high-pitched squeaks, chirps, and clicks.
The young become fully independent at around 120 days of age.
They prefer wooded habitats with mature trees, where they build nests in tree cavities or dense foliage.
The big paws aid them by allowing them to land on trees while gliding. Before the 'flight', they normally find the highest point and continue gliding.
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