How much Sugar Gliders Cost?

Different types of Sugar Glider

Reduce cost tips by Bulk Buying

You can bulk-buy some of the articles that are regularly required and small packaging is expensive

DIY Enrichment Activities

The Sugar Glider is an animal that is very social and needs much interaction to be healthy.

Home Made Diet

It would be great if you provided them with a homemade fresh diet including fresh fruits, vegetables, cooked eggs, or chicken instead of commercial pellets.

Clean Environment

Keep your sugar glider healthy, you should feed it a proper diet, and maintain cleaning of its cage. This will help in reducing common health problems

Creating your pouches from cheap fleece fabric is far less expensive than purchasing them from pet supply stores.

DIY Sleeping Pouches

Spacious Cage

Spacious cage provide mental stimulation and helps , the sugar glider to be healthy